East Ventures to raise funds to produce Covid-19 test kits
Dropcap the popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and ...
Dropcap the popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and ...
Dropcap the popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and ...
Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure and its relationship to how ...
Intro text we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure and its relationship to how ...
Cimanggung (BR) -Bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) dari sumber dana desa (DD) tahap II tahun anggaran 2020. Pemerintah Desa Sindangpakuon Kecamatan ...
Pasirjambu (BR).- Tiga Desa di Kecamatan Pasirjambu Kab. Bandung yang terdampak covid 19 yang Tidak menerima bantuan Gubernur Jawa Barat. ...
Ciamis (BR).- Antisifasi penyebaran coronavirus Pandemi covid 19, melalui para pemudik, Pemerintah Desa Pamokolan Kec. Cihaurbeuti Kab. Ciamis bentuk Relawan ...
Sumedang, (BR)- Batalyon Infantri Raider 301/PKS Sumedang, melaksanakan kegiatan Bhakti Sosial dengan membagikan sembako, kepada warga masyarakat disekitar wilayah Desa ...
Arjasari. (BR).- Pemerintah Desa Arjasari, Kec. Arjasari Kab. Bandung, melayangkan surat permohonan pelaksanaan Rapid Test terhadap 52 warganya kepada Satgas ...
SOREANG. (BR) Pernyataan Bupati Bandung Dadang M. Naser yang melarang dana desa direalokasi untuk bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) bagi terdampak ...